The evaluation in the education of basic motor abilities in water: The balance. Introductory considerations (I)


  • Juan Carlos Colado Sánchez Catholic University San Antonio Murcia, Spain
  • Juan Manuel Cortell Tormo University of Alicante, Spain



Aquatic activities, Initiation, Didactics, Comprehensive aquatic method, Education


This article approaches the knowledge of the balance motor ability in land as the ground basis to introduce, later on, the necessary and specific adaptations to the own characteristics that aquatics have to develop this ability. In a more concrete way, we will stand out how the knowledge of these characteristics or limiting factors of the basic motor ability allow a concretion when establishing the evaluation criteria, which would facilitate the observation and action task of the teacher.


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How to Cite

Colado Sánchez, J. C., & Cortell Tormo, J. M. (2008). The evaluation in the education of basic motor abilities in water: The balance. Introductory considerations (I). Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2(1), 10–27.



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