Training to the muscular failure in the healthy neuromuscular programs


  • Iván Chulvi Medrano University of Valencia, Spain



Muscular fatigue, Resistance training, Recovery


Many recommendations for designing of resistance training programs are suggested training all the sets to perform until voluntary fatigue with a maximum load selected, situation known as muscular failure. However, recent evidence has emerged that suggest caution in the prescription of training to failure in both, healthy and performance perspective. This review has addressed to this issue and made a collection of literature and a qualitative analysis of this topic. Final conclusion of this study suggest that implementation of the muscular failure resistance training is not recommended in subjects who trained with healthy goals, because it breaks the acceptable risk-benefit ratio in healthy training. However, athletes or advanced practitioners can be applied wishing to exceed a "plateau", only if planned and does not interfere with the production of specific strength.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Medrano, I. C. (2010). Training to the muscular failure in the healthy neuromuscular programs. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 5(2), 196–213.



Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health