The effects of Tai-Chi-Soft-Ball training on physical functional health of Chinese older adult


  • Huen Sum Lam Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • Siu Yin Cheung Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • Bik Chu Chow Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong



Tai-Chi-Soft-Ball, Physical functional health, Older adult


This study was designed to investigate a 10-week training effects of Tai-Chi-Soft-Ball (TCSB), a novel Chinese exercise which combined the elements of Tai Chi and badminton, on physical functional health of private institutionalized older adults. Thirty-four participants were recruited in the training group with 60 minutes per session and two sessions per week TCSB training. Thirty-two participants were recruited simultaneously in the control group (no training). The measurements included the Senior Fitness Test (SFT), AAHPERD Soda Pop Test, self perceptive functional health. Two-way ANOVA/ ANCOVA with repeated measure in one factor was conducted to examine the testing factor (pre-test and post-test of TCSB training) and the effect of groups (training and control group) as well as their interaction effects. The significant training effects were found in training group (six out of eight items of SFT, AAHPERD Soda Pop Test and self perceptive functional health). In control group, significant functional deteriorations were found in SFT (back scratch test, 8-foot up-and-go) and self perceptive functional health. The previous findings showed that TCSB was not only effective in improving; but also in maintaining and decelerating the deterioration of physical functional health of sedentary Chinese older adult.




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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Lam, H. S., Cheung, S. Y., & Chow, B. C. (2011). The effects of Tai-Chi-Soft-Ball training on physical functional health of Chinese older adult. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 6(3), 540–553.



Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health