Sport as a platform for values education


  • Ángel Acuña Delgado University of Granada, Spain
  • Elena Acuña Gómez University of Granada, Spain



Sport, Education, Values, Culture, Society


Sport as a cultural fact, reflected in it the characteristics of the society in which it is immersed, but at the same time constitutes a tool with which to act on the system, a vehicle of social change capable of generating attitudes and behaviors. To what extent contributes or can sport contributes to achieve an education in values? This will be the question to which we will try to answer in the present study, which we divided in two parts: First of all we define the meanings and characteristics that the sport has had and actually have. Secondly we broach the values associated with it and the educational potential it has. Finally for reflect on the state of the question right now and the future.


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How to Cite

Acuña Delgado, Ángel, & Acuña Gómez, E. (2011). Sport as a platform for values education. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 6(4), 573–584.



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