The relationship between out-of-school sport participation and positive youth development.


  • Federico Carreres-Ponsoda University of Alicante, Spain
  • Amparo Escartí University of Valencia, Spain
  • Juan M. Cortell-Tormo University of Alicante, Spain
  • Vicent Fuster-Lloret University of Alicante, Spain
  • Eliseo Andreu-Cabrera University of Alicante, Spain



Out of school sport activities, Positive youth development, Self-Efficacy, Prosocial behaviour, Personal and social responsibility


Despite growing evidence that participation in out-of-school activities and especially physical activity and sport programs facilitates positive development, little developmental research has been conducted on out-of-school sports programs compared with no participation in these activities or participation in other activities. Our study examined the participation of youth in out of school sport activities compared with participation in other out-of-school activities and the influences in self-efficacy, prosocial behaviour and personal and social responsibility. Results showed that youth participating in out-of-school sport programs have significant higher levels in self-efficacy, prosocial behavior and personal and social responsibility respect to those adolescents participating in other activities or among those who do not practice in any kind activity.


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How to Cite

Carreres-Ponsoda, F., Escartí, A., Cortell-Tormo, J. M., Fuster-Lloret, V., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2012). The relationship between out-of-school sport participation and positive youth development. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 7(3), 671–683.



Physical Education / Children & Exercise

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