The transform project and the geospatial reaching in Brazil: The legacy of the Olympic education in Rio 2016 Games


  • Cristiano Meiga Belem ARETE - Center for Olympic Studies Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES Regional Development Fellow - FAPES/CNPq - DCR, Brazil
  • Leonardo Perovano Camargo ARETE - Center for Olympic Studies Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES Scholarship for Scientific Initiation - ICT / FAPES, Brazil
  • Otávio Guimarães Tavares Da Silva Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES, Brazil
  • William Kévny Souza Berté Graduating in Civil Engineering - Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES Scholarship for Scientific Initiation - ICT / FAPES, Brazil





The Ministry of Education and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games Rio 2016 created the Transform Project, it provided training for teachers and students from public and private schools throughout Brazil, offering teaching material about the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, publicizing the education with Olympic values, the experimentation of new sports and engaging students in Rio 2016 Games. The Project was developed through the use of technologies, by internet, allowing the access to the material in every school in Brazil. A legacy to the Olympic Education left by Rio 2016, however, something similar but in a smaller dimension had already been done in Brazil in 1999 and 2000, with the Olympic Education Manual in School, it was available in two books in internet, one for teacher and another one for the students and it was distributed through a homepage. Today it is possible to identify the places where downloads were done, in other words, geolocalize the material downloaded, estimating its reaching and relation with the geographic space. From the information obtained of the materials downloaded in its four dimensions – teacher, pedagogical coordinator, tutor and digital content – geospatial analyzes of the schools which had access to the material were done and their relation with the official education data, the geographic census and economic data. The analysis of the dimension where the Project reached in Brazil and its geospatial relation with the territory verified that it was present in every Brazilian state and in more than half of their municipalities.



Foundation for Support to Research and Innovation of Espírito Santo - FAPES


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Meiga Belem, C., Perovano Camargo, L., Guimarães Tavares Da Silva, O., & Souza Berté, W. K. (2018). The transform project and the geospatial reaching in Brazil: The legacy of the Olympic education in Rio 2016 Games. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(1proc), S144-S152.