Effect of joint physical activity on the physical condition of parents and children





Sport, Childhood, Family, Parents, Physical test


Family physical activity can have beneficial effects on the physical condition of parents and children. Method: Uncontrolled longitudinal intervention study. 152 children aged 3 to 10 years (79 Boys: 5.60 ± 2.20 yr., 73 Girls: 6.90 ± 2.20 yr.) and 112 parents aged 30 to 40 years (36 Parents: 41.87 ± 4.45 yr.; 76 Mothers: 40.01 ± 2.96 yr.). They carried out 2 hours of joint activity on a weekly basis from October to June. Physical fitness was assessed by ALPHA-Fitness and PRE-FIT batteries at the beginning and end of the intervention. A descriptive analysis and a t-student for paired variables were performed. Results: The 3-6-year-old girls improved the Standing long jump (33.50 ± 10.61 vs 78.11 ± 8.64 cm) * and the 20 m shuttle run test (7.00 ± 2, 83 vs. 22.50 ± 0.71) *, (*p <0.05). Girls over 6 years of age decreased in Handgrip strength and 4x10 m shuttle run test (15.84 ± 1.21 vs 16.95 ± 83) * but improved in the 20 m shuttle run test (13.97 ± 5.48 vs 23.09 ± 7.49) *, (*p <0.05). The parents improved their BMI (25.04 ± 2.60 vs 24.19 ± 1.50)*, the right Handgrip strength (37.02 ± 10.25 vs 41.17 ± 9.57 kg)*, the Standing long jump (156.17 ± 31.48 vs 181.00 ± 28.82 cm)*, 4x10 m shuttle run test (12.95 ± 1.30 vs 12.11 ± 1.09 s)* in the 20 m shuttle run test (37.90 ± 20.43 vs 54.20 ± 9.51 turns)*, (* p <0.05). Conclusion: A physical exercise based on joint family activity produces improvements in some variables related to the physical condition of the girls and in the parents. Implication: Parents should exercise and plan family sports activities if they want their child to be active.


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How to Cite

Cueto-Martín, M. B., De la Cruz, J. C., Morales-Ortiz, E., & Pérez-Díaz, C. (2018). Effect of joint physical activity on the physical condition of parents and children. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(2), 415–429. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2018.132.12



Physical Education / Children & Exercise