The purpose and the motivation for future practice of physical activity and related factors in Japanese university students


  • Chiemi Miyawaki Kagoshima University, Japan
  • Kumiko Ohara Kobe University, Japan
  • Tomoki Mase Kyoto Women’s University, Japan
  • Katsuyasu Kouda Kindai University, Japan
  • Tomoko Fujitani Kobe University, Japan
  • Katsumasa Momoi Tokushima Bunri University, Japan
  • Hiratoshi Kaneda Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
  • Rumiko Murayama Kobe University, Japan
  • Yoshimitsu Okita Shizuoka University, Japan
  • Harunobu Nakamura Kobe University, Japan



Exercise habits, Future, Gender differences, Purpose of exercise, University Students


Purpose: We investigated the purpose and the motivation for the future practice of physical activity and related factors in Japanese university students. Materials and Methods: The participants were 499 university students (407 men and 92 women). Participants were surveyed using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. Questionnaire items were anthropometrics, current exercise habits, preference for exercise, existence of exercise partners, benefits of exercise, self-efficacy for exercise, and the purpose to be motivated to exercising in the future. Results: The exercise group had higher scores for preference for exercise, exercise partners, self-efficacy for exercise, and benefits of exercise than the non-exercise group. The exercise group also reported being more likely to be motivated to exercise in the future than the non-exercise group. In the exercise group, those who felt benefits of exercise were more likely to be motivated to exercise for enhancement of health, enjoyment, making friends, prevention of illness, and enhancement of competitiveness. In the non-exercise group, those who had a preference for exercise were more likely to be motivated to exercise in the future for enjoyment, prevention of illness, and enhancement of competitiveness. In both the exercise and non-exercise groups, women were markedly more likely to be motivated to exercise in the future for aesthetics. Conclusions: These results indicate that there is a difference in the purpose and the motivation for future practice of physical activity between the exercise group and the non-exercise group as well as between genders.


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How to Cite

Miyawaki, C., Ohara, K., Mase, T., Kouda, K., Fujitani, T., Momoi, K., Kaneda, H., Murayama, R., Okita, Y., & Nakamura, H. (2019). The purpose and the motivation for future practice of physical activity and related factors in Japanese university students. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 61–74.



Physical Education / Children & Exercise