Sport and physical education as prevention against technological addictions


  • Giusi Antonia Toto University of Foggia, Italy
  • Irene Strazzeri University of Foggia, Italy



Healthy lifestyle, Educational prevention, Adolescent, Technology


There is no question that technologies have revolutionized the way with which our world operates and consequently the individuals’ life styles. On the other hand, nowadays, technological addiction is an educational problem underestimated yet given its pervasiveness and diffusion among teenagers. Learning and cognition processes are influenced by the environmental experience, as technology has created a new environmental space to experience among digital natives. The purpose of this article is to examine some positive and negative effects of technology on teenagers’ life styles. From a methodological point of view, a systematic review of the existing literature will be provided following the PRISMA guidelines both on technological addictions, examining the negative effects on adolescent mental health, and on educational strategies, on the other hand, aimed at promoting positive effects through analysis of the relationships between technology and learning processes. By comparing empirical studies and international experiences, it can be suggested that education plays a key role in preventing behavioural addictions and promoting physical and mental well-being, given that technology could represent a precursor of positive and stable attitudes towards healthy habits and learning processes.


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How to Cite

Toto, G. A., & Strazzeri, I. (2019). Sport and physical education as prevention against technological addictions. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1), 140–146.



Physical Education / Children & Exercise