Sport as a medium for the development of virtuous man


  • Ricardo Vela de Britto Pereira Nova Acrópole, Spain



Philosophy of sport, Symbol, Virtues, Values


This paper proposes a philosophical reflection based on the purpose of sport and its relationship with victory, so sought in the Olympic Games since antiquity. Philosophy deals with the pursuit of the wisdom that comes from innumerable forms, with sport being one of them. The philosophy of the sport is called Olympism and its promotion is one of the responsibilities of the Brazilian Olympic Academy. Sport is a means to achieve a greater purpose, the development of the virtuous human being. When the purpose is lost, the sport ceases to fulfill its function. This study found a strong association between values that have been discussed in antiquity and which serve as experience for the present moment.


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How to Cite

Vela de Britto Pereira, R. (2019). Sport as a medium for the development of virtuous man. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(3proc), S316-S320.