Effect of avian immunoglobulin on post-exercise muscle damage and muscular soreness
Muscle, Inflammation, Damage, Soreness, ExerciseAbstract
Delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS) occurs following unaccustomed, strenuous activity and a variety of attempts have been used to reduce or prevent the discomfort and pain of DOMS. This study examined the effect of oral gamma globulin protein (IgY) on post-exercise creatine kinase (CK), C-reactive protein (CRP), and DOMS. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, 25 healthy participants were assigned to either IgY or placebo (PL) followed by a blood draw. After 14 days of supplementation, muscle soreness was induced and participants continued to dose and rate DOMS for the next 48 hrs and followed by another blood draw. Analysis revealed that CK levels were significantly (p<0.05) less for the IgY than for the PL group. For CRP there was no significant between group difference, however, the PL group registered a 54.4% increase in C-reactive protein while the IgY group gained 24.4%. The IgY group noted significantly less soreness than the PL at 36 and 48 hrs, suggesting that IgY provides a mechanism that mediates the DOMS inflammatory response. By mediating muscle soreness participants may continue to train and/or compete at a high level without compromising strength, power, or technique.
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