On footedness and ankle’s Dynamic Joint Stiffness relation





Biomechanics, Dynamic Joint Stiffness, Footedness


Our earlier reports suggest no dynamic joint stiffness (DJS) inter-limb differences related to footedness. A different approach to our data was used in this study: first define ankle DJS, then look for inter-limb differences and finally correlate them with the subject’s perceived footedness. Methods: 31 subjects (20 females, 11 males) were assessed for ankle DJS during the stance phase of gait, unilateral triple-jump for distance (TSU) and single-leg hopping (Hop). DJS was obtained by linear models at three stance sub-phases (controlled plantar flexion (CPF); controlled dorsiflexion (CDF); power plantar flexion (PPF)). Footedness assessed by the Lateral Preference Inventory (LPI). Results: Paired samples t-test showed statistical inter-limb differences in ankle DJS at PPF on gait (p< 0.01) and Hop (p< 0.05) tasks. No footedness-DJS correlation was found with exception of the TSU PPF (Pearson’s p<0.05). Descriptive analysis shows that in gait, 55% of the subjects maintained the same stiffer ankle between the CPF and the CDF, 45% keep the same stiffer ankle between CDF and PPF, and only 19% keep the same stiffer ankle along all stance. In TSU and Hop, only 48% and 74%, respectively, keep the same stiffer ankle between CDF and PPF. Conclusion: This approach increased our earlier findings of footedness-DJS correlation, but the results are still low. The variability of DJS along the stance sub-phases between tasks needs more attention. Hop task cold be more adequate for footedness assessment due to a more consistent DJS behaviour along the stance.


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How to Cite

Atalaia, T., & Abrantes, J. M. (2019). On footedness and ankle’s Dynamic Joint Stiffness relation. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(4proc), S558-S567. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.13