Sports training in Ancient Greece and its supposed modernity


  • Álvaro Morente Montero University of Cordoba, Spain



Ancient training, Modern training, Principles of sports training


The present work aims to establish links between the knowledge we have on the precepts that drove the modes of sports training that took place in Ancient Greece, and the principles governing the achievement of sports performance today. From the result of this comparative analysis we can provide a more justified opinion about the reality of the level reached during this long historical period (the interval in which took place the development of the Ancient Olympic Games: 776 BC - 393 AD, that is, around a thousand years). For this we briefly review the origins and the stages by which sports training evolved in Ancient Greece, together with the most relevant aspects that shaped their training, which allow us to relate it to modernity. Finally, an "adventurous" parallelism with the principles of the current sports training is approached to verify its fulfilment in order to be able to establish to what degree sports training in ancient Greece can be considered modern. In light of the above, it is considered that, either by intelligent search in ways to improve performance and fulfil the desire to win (agonistic) or the spontaneous emergence of effective ways, sports training in Ancient Greece contains enough significant elements related to current scientific knowledge and, in particular, to the biological laws of adaptation to the effort and the Principles of sports training, in order to determine that it had a certain modern character.


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How to Cite

Morente Montero, Álvaro. (2020). Sports training in Ancient Greece and its supposed modernity. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 163–176.



Olympic Section