Analysis of parents’ behaviour in grassroots football from a systematic observation




Spectators, Grassroot football, Parental observation, Parental behaviour, Observational Instrument


A significant number of investigations highlight that parents possess a great potential to influence positively or negatively the sport experience of their children. It is necessary to emphasize that they can also perform an astonishing number of inappropriate behaviours during the course of their sons’ sport events. In this investigation, the management, pressure, comprehension and active participation comments performed by parents in grassroots football matches have been analysed through the systematic observation. Twelve teams have been observed which belong to the 2nd division league of U-15 in the Balearic Islands (Spain) during 2016-17 season through 12 recordings. These comments were coded by trained observers using LINCE® recording software and POISE (Parents’ Observation Instrument at Sport Events) (Kidman and McKenzie, 1996). The results show that neutral comments are the most notorious followed by positives and negatives. In conclusion, it must be mentioned that the relevance of this study is double: (1) It provides objective data about comments done by parents-spectators during the matches of their children; (2) it adds necessary information to carry out a systematic observation of parents and spectators in grassroots sport from the grandstands.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Palou, P., Pulido, D., Borràs, P. A., & Ponseti, F. J. (2020). Analysis of parents’ behaviour in grassroots football from a systematic observation. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2), 387–399.


