An analytical study of some biomechanical variables on the short, medium and long-distance treadmill for Iraqi heroes


  • Haider Fayyadh Alamiri University of Kufa, Iraq
  • Ghafar Saeed Issa University of Wasit, Iraq
  • Majed Hassan University of Wasit, Iraq



Motion analysis, Biomechanical, Treadmill, Athletic performance


Kinetic analysis is considered an important science, which mainly depends on the use of laws and foundations used in biomechanics for the purpose of studying movement anatomically and mechanically. This research provides an overview of the various tasks involved in analysing movement of the human body. which relates to the analysis of the movement of athletes and their tracking to understand the most general behaviours of the athlete during jogging, it is noted that there are many mechanical variables that play a great role in achieving achievement for the athlete during the race including the length, frequency and time of the step as well as the maximum force of the exerts on the field the amount of pressure applied to the foot by the athlete during the racing stages. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method to process data and information related to the nature of the problem and the researcher chose a sample consisting of six Iraqi champions in a competition (100 m, 1500 m, 5000 m) in a deliberate way, two for each competition. For the time period from 9/11/2018 to 1/12/2018 in the biomechanical laboratory in the University of Kufa, using a scanner (gait analysis) and a time and length variable was chosen because it has A major role in the sports movement and its effectiveness during the race. the researcher concluded that the running rhythm for time and step length will be distributed in a balanced and according to the requirements of the race.


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How to Cite

Alamiri, H. F., Issa, G. S., & Hassan, M. (2020). An analytical study of some biomechanical variables on the short, medium and long-distance treadmill for Iraqi heroes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2proc), S139-S145.