The impact of international society on mental health, performance and development of athlete


  • Victoria Yermilova Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Russian Federation
  • Svetlana Maltseva Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Russian Federation
  • Gulsina Murtazina Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Russian Federation
  • Andrei Shulzhenko Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Russian Federation
  • Konstantin Zakharov Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Russian Federation


Stress, Doping control, Baevsky index, Combined events athletes, Stress response


The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of anti-doping control on athletes' performance indicators. The authors have monitored 86 combined track and field events athletes who have been preparing for the competition for 6 months. Athletes have been divided into two groups: group I includes athletes that have not been subjected to doping control (n = 42), and athletes of group II (n = 44) have experienced such a control a month before the competition. Levels of insulin, cortisol, glucose in the blood serum have been determined for athletes to assess the intensity of stress reactions. The HOMA Index, the ratio of cortisol/insulin, and the Baevsky index have been calculated. Sports achievements have been measured on a 100-point scale of the average result of the team in such types of competitions as running, shooting, swimming, standing long jump, a hammer throw. In group II athletes, after doping control, the level of cortisol has increased by 1.9 times (p ˂ .05) compared to the initial level and remained 1.7 times higher before the competition. A significant increase in glucose, insulin and HOMA index has been observed among athletes of II group. In this group, the value of the Baevsky index after doping control has increased by 2.9 times compared with the initial value (p ˂ .05). Before the competition, the Baevsky index remained 2.6 times higher (p ˂ .05). Representatives of the first group have not shown a statistically significant difference between performance in the training period and in the competitions. Athletes of the second group have shown a decrease in results in competitions compared to the initial level of training. A correlation is observed between the value of the Baevsky index and the average team performance indicator in running 100 m (r = -0.76, p ˂ .05), running 2000 m (r = -0.68, p ˂ .05) shooting (r = -0.52, p ˂ .05) and long jumps (r = -0.53, p ˂ .05). Carrying out selective indicative doping control leads to a stress response in the target group, which turns into prolonged stress, leading to a significant decrease in the performance indicators of athletes.


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How to Cite

Yermilova, V., Maltseva, S., Murtazina, G., Shulzhenko, A., & Zakharov, K. (2020). The impact of international society on mental health, performance and development of athlete. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2proc), S370-S378. Retrieved from