Development of the level of formation of managerial competence at the future pedagogues of physical culture in the aspect of comparative analysis


  • Sayat Ryskaliyev Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Kazakhstan
  • Aidyn Doshybekov Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Kazakhstan
  • Rauan Turdaliyev West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University, Kazakhstan
  • Bagila Koldasbaeva Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Kazakhstan
  • Zura Khakimova Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Kazakhstan


Management, Managerial competence, Future teacher of physical culture, Diagnostics, Levels of formation, Managerial ability, Communicative ability


An article reveals the content of the concepts of "management", “managerial competence” and describes results of the experimental study on determination of the baseline level of formation of managerial competence at future teachers of physical culture. During the research, there was applied such method as analysis of the basic concepts based on the study of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, sociological, special literature, normative documents and analytical materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the synthesis and interpretation of scientific data and experiment were carried out. The works of V. Sinyavsky and B.A. Fedorishin were the basis for use of the diagnostic instrumentation “Methodology for assessing the communicative and organizational abilities of the personality” on determination of the real state of formation of managerial competence at students. Two universities participated in the ascertaining experiment: West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University (WKITU) and Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism (KAST), where students in the specialty “Physical culture and sport”, in the total number of 64 people, were involved. Thanks to the results of the ascertaining experiment, it was revealed that the process of formation of managerial competence at future teachers of physical culture corresponds to the level below the average. The following works were carried out in the research process: the essence of the concepts of "management", “managerial competence” was justified on the basis of the analysis of scientific psychological-pedagogical and special literature; the meaning of concept "managerial competence" was clarified; the experimental work on determination of the level of managerial competence at future teachers of physical culture was carried out. According to this research, the authors tried to determine the content of the concepts of "management", “managerial competence" and, for the first time, to identify the real state of the level of managerial competence at future teachers of physical culture; as well as the authors proposed their methodological recommendations for their further integration into the learning process.


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How to Cite

Ryskaliyev, S., Doshybekov, A., Turdaliyev, R., Koldasbaeva, B., & Khakimova, Z. (2020). Development of the level of formation of managerial competence at the future pedagogues of physical culture in the aspect of comparative analysis. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2proc), S444-S452. Retrieved from