Evaluation of a program to expand use of sport education model: Teachers’ perception and experience





Physical education, Games teaching, Teacher perception, School sport projects, Teacher training, Continuous training


Although physical education (PE) is spread all around the world and the large amount of physical activity policies focused on childhood at schools, there is a big difference between policy and real-life practice at schools. The main objectives of this study were 1) to know the diffusion and main features of Sport Education at schools in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) through the program Proyectos Escolares Saludables (PES, in English, Healthy Schools Project, HSP); 2) to know teachers’ perceptions of the impact of Sport Education in their everyday teaching practice. During three academic years (2016/2017; 2017/2018 and 2018/2019), 181 Primary and Secondary schools participated in the HSP. Data from 91 of them were analysed through an ad hoc self-report. The results showed that during the first year of permanence in the HSP, 337 seasons were implemented according to Sport Education in these 91 schools. In relation to their perception, teachers showed a positive perception of educational potential of Sport Education compared to his previous teaching practice, highlighting students’ motivation, content learning and development of responsibilities. In conclusion, the general teachers’ perception who have implemented Sport Education in Castilla-La Mancha through HSP highlights the great educational potential of this pedagogical model, as well as that the teacher training process has been adequate. In turn, the inclusion of new methodologies in school projects promoted by educational authorities seems to be an ideal means for the teachers’ professional development.


Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha & European Social Fund


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Gutiérrez, D., Segovia, Y., García-López, L. M., & Sánchez-Mora, D. (2020). Evaluation of a program to expand use of sport education model: Teachers’ perception and experience. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2proc), S345-S358. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2020.15.Proc2.26

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