The educational inclusion in physical education, design and validation of the EF-IDAN2019 Questionnaire




Physical education, Educational inclusion, Attention to diversity, Neuroeducation


The processes of educational inclusion of students with disabilities in the ordinary system have had a direct impact on pedagogical practices. It is considered that future teachers specialized in physical education should have extensive knowledge in attention to diversity and physical neuroeducation. The general objective of this study is to analyse if it is possible to design and validate the EF-IDAN2019 questionnaire in university students. To respond to this objective, a research process based on the quantitative paradigm is carried out. For the validation of the instrument, we have the participation of a sample of n = 359 university students. The analysis of results confirms our dimensions, and, on the other hand, reduces the initial questionnaire to six dimensions, obtaining at the end a new questionnaire of 24 items with high reliability indexes (Cronbach's Alpha = .986). The factor analysis can be done because a significant result is obtained in the KMO test = .771. Bartlett's sphericity test confirms that the factorial model is adequate. The values of kurtosis and asymmetry, as well as the standard deviation, support the factorial analysis. Based on these results, it can be concluded that it is possible to design and validate the EF-IDAN2019 questionnaire in university students.


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How to Cite

Ricoy-Cano, A. J., Hernández-Fernández, A., & De Barros-Camargo, C. (2020). The educational inclusion in physical education, design and validation of the EF-IDAN2019 Questionnaire. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(3), 661–681.



Physical Education / Children & Exercise

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