Peculiarities of children-parental relationships and family factors of social risk that affect formation of dependent behaviour in children and adolescents


  • Marina V. Fedorenko Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russian Federation
  • Marina V. Belousova Kazan State Medical Academy, Russian Federation


Adolescents, Rate of unemployment, Children-parental relationships, Probable predictors, Psychological climate, Dependent behaviour


The research aim was to determine the characteristics of child-parental relations and the psychological climate in the school community, depending on the socio-economic situation in the area, where the teenager and his family live. Sample group consisted of 156 teenagers (11-15 years), 43 percent of them live in districts with a high rate of unemployment. As the leading methods, the authors used the following: «Child-parental relations of adolescents»; «Diagnosis of the psychological climate in the team (group)»; «A modified version of the methodological complex to identify probabilistic predictors of possible involvement in the consumption of narcotic drugs». These methods made it possible to investigate intra-family interaction, study the features of the psychological climate in the school team, and identify probabilistic predictors of the formation of dependent behaviour in a teenager. The comparative analysis of researched parameters depending on the area of residing by U-criterion by Mann –Whitney has shown, that there are significant differences in parameters: «Autonomy encouragement», «Control», «Varieties of encouragements» (studying of aspect «Children-parental relationships of adolescents»); «Friendliness», «Consent», «Satisfaction», «Efficiency», «Affection», «Cooperation», «Mutual support», «Enthusiasm», «Entertaining», «Success» (studying of aspect « Diagnostics of psychological climate in a community (group)»).Thus, it is possible to make a conclusion that psychological situation is better in classes and in families of adolescents living in areas with a low rate of unemployment. There are no authentic differences in technique parameters on revealing of probable predictors of adolescents involving in drug usage, but in areas with a low rate of unemployment parameters «Addiction to gadget-dependence» and «Problem of self-control» are higher within boys. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the analysis (study) of child-parental relations in families of adolescents living in regions of Tatarstan with different levels of unemployment, which confirmed that the economic situation of the region has an impact on child-parental relations and on the situation in the school team. The study made it possible to consider the current problem of dependent behaviour of adolescents in the context of the deterioration of the socio-economic status of the family, accompanied by crisis, disharmonic inter-parent and child-parental relations.


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How to Cite

Fedorenko, M. V., & Belousova, M. V. (2020). Peculiarities of children-parental relationships and family factors of social risk that affect formation of dependent behaviour in children and adolescents. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(3proc), S889-S897. Retrieved from