Influence of emotional intelligence on sport performance in elite canoeist
Sport psychology, Psychological skills, Empathy, Coach, CompetitionAbstract
Several studies support the hypothesis that emotions are linked with sport performance. However, only a few studies have addressed the direct relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and sport performance. In order to address this question, emotional intelligence was assessed in 50 elite male canoeists from a total of fourteen countries. The sample was divided into two groups based on the number of medals achieved at world championships [Expert level Group 1, had won 1 - 3 medals (n = 33), and Expert level Group 2 had won more than 3 medals (n = 17)]. As a secondary goal, the influence of years of practice on sport performance was examined. Results indicate that the Level 2 expert athletes scored higher in empathy (p < .05), emotional recognition (p < .05), emotional control and regulation (p < .001) and years of practice invested in their preparation (p < .01) than the Level 1 expert athletes. These findings make a valuable contribution to answering some key questions regarding high performance sport and the role of EI in elite sport performance.
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