Plyometry and room football in the cognitive disability: Text to practice



Plyometry, ATR, Power, Indoor soccer, Cognitive disability


The present research was carried out through the application of a plyometric training program for 8 weeks, performing the 3 weekly sessions, in order to determine its influence on the power of the lower body in the athletes of the futsal team Boyacá with diagnosed cognitive disability with borderline mental delay. The intervened population were 10 athletes, with an average age of 20.10 ± 1.9 years, average height of 174.10 ± 9.757 centimetres, average weight of 67.60 ± 10.178 kilograms; A study of the participants was carried out demanding the Axon Jump platform and the Carmelo Bosco protocol, a plyometric training program based on ATR planning was designed and applied, and finally the evaluation was reapplied to athletes. It follows that the p-Value from the test (bilateral sig.), it presenting value greater than .05 in the three jumps, assuming both equality of the variances and different variances, which induces that the differences between the improvement percentages and the players of the trained group with plyometric emphasis and the control group did not differ significantly in the maximum relation, reactive and explosive power indicators.


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How to Cite

Cepeda, C. L., Sanabria-Arguello, Y. D., Acosta-Tova, P. J., & Jaimes-Jaimes, G. (2020). Plyometry and room football in the cognitive disability: Text to practice. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc), S1418-S1426. Retrieved from