Significant effusion in the joints of the lower extremity after running an ultramarathon in extreme conditions




Marathon, Physiology, Swelling, Effusion, Sonography


Introduction: The “Brocken challenge” ultramarathon takes place in the cold of February over 80 km with 1,900 m of elevation change. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an ultramarathon under extreme conditions on the lower extremities. Methods: Out of the 182 starters, 44 athletes were included into the study (n = 44). We examined these athletes using a questionnaire, by measuring circumferences of their lower extremities and by standardized sonographic measurement of joint effusion of knee and ankle joints before and after the run. Results: After the run, the right leg and both feet significantly increased in circumference. Knee joints on both sides and the left ankle joint showed significantly more effusion after the run (right knee: 84%, right ankle: 43%; left knee: 80%, left ankle: 48%). Heavier and less trained athletes showed significantly more effusion in sonographic assessment of the knee and ankle. Neither swelling, nor effusion had a measurable influence on finishing time. Conclusions: Running an ultramarathon in the cold overloads the fluid draining capacity in the muscles and joints of the legs especially in heavier and less trained athletes without measurable immediate effect on performance.


Georg-August University Goettingen


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How to Cite

Steinmetz, G., Höller, S., Hubert, J., Hawellek, T., Schilling, A. F., & Saul, D. (2020). Significant effusion in the joints of the lower extremity after running an ultramarathon in extreme conditions. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 802–815.



Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health