Technology and sport for health promotion: A bibliometric analysis


  • Patrizia Belfiore Parthenope University, Italy
  • Antonio Ascione Parthenope University, Italy
  • Davide Di Palma Parthenope University, Italy



Sport, Technology, Health promotion, Bibliometrics


The world of sport is continually changing and the use of technology is one of those areas that has made an impact on many sports and on health promotion. The aim of this work is to establish, through a bibliometric analysis, whether and how technology can change the way of doing sport, favouring health promotion. The study develops a bibliometric overview of all the journals that are currently indexed in Web of Science (WoS) database in any of the categories connected health-technology-sport research. The research has studied the influential concepts and themes in the field of health promotion through technological innovations in sport. The analysis was conducted using the frequency of keywords and citations from the articles published between 2000 and 2018. The work identifies the leading journals in health research through a bibliometric approach. The analysis shows a deep overview of the results of health journals. It is worth noting that many journals have entered the WoS database during the last years, in many cases to fill some specific niche that has emerged in the literature, although the most popular ones have been in the database for a long time.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Belfiore, P., Ascione, A., & Di Palma, D. (2020). Technology and sport for health promotion: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 932–942.



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