Motor learning for the developmental age in coded spaces and times


  • Daniele Coco University of Roma Tre, Italy
  • Roberto Coppola University of Enna “Kore”, Italy
  • Rosaria Schembri University of Enna “Kore”, Italy
  • Francesco Casolo Catholic University of "Sacred Heart", Italy


Motor learning, Developmental age, Spaces, Times, Outdoor education


The traditional teaching methods linked to motor education and based on the canonical transmission of knowledge and learning are now outdated. In fact, we could say that we emphasize all forms of learning that have a dynamic and concrete development in which all children can have a role as a 'protagonist'. The school increasingly conditioned by continuous social changes, cannot be lived only as a place of duplication and transmission of knowledge, but can be lived and organized as a space of creativity, fun and emotion as well as imagination also motor. "This teaching practice is often hampered by the school organization of places and times and by the training of teachers' skills" (Lipoma, 2014, p.201). The environment, therefore, must be organized and structured according to the needs of children and their age groups, full of materials, large and small tools where it is possible, however, above all to make concrete experiences experiencing successes and failures in a safe environment. Another fundamental element that distinguishes the success of motor learning is the time dedicated to the movement that lately is reduced and of little quality. “The time devoted to recreational activities has decreased and this is found not only in the school but also in moments of extra-school leisure where you notice the increase of games "sedentary" to the detriment of those engines" (Casolo, 2019, p.495).


Daniele Coco, Roberto Coppola, Rosaria Schembri, and Francesco Casolo


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How to Cite

Coco, D., Coppola, R., Schembri, R., & Casolo, F. (2021). Motor learning for the developmental age in coded spaces and times. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(2proc), S788-S800. Retrieved from