Circuit training as a method of adaptation and prevention for people with type 2 diabetes


  • Maria Salierno University of Salerno, Italy
  • Rosario Ceruso University of Salerno, Italy
  • Italo Sannicandro University of Foggia, Italy
  • Gaetano Altavilla University of Salerno, Italy



Endurance training, Aerobic training, Type 2 diabetes, Circuit training, VO2max


The problem encountered in the diabetic population is lack of time or a prolonged exercise session. The primary purpose of this study was, therefore, to check whether a reduced training session such as 40-minute circuit training was able to optimize VO2max levels, to identify factors that improve adherence to physical exercise. A sample of 30 subjects with an average age of 50 years (with type 2 diabetes mellitus) has been recruited in random mode. Subjects did a circuit training workout for eight weeks with a frequency of 3 weekly sessions of 40 minutes each for a total of 120 minutes per week. The 6-minute walking test was administered in and out. The T-test for dependent samples was used to detect the difference between the two groups (p < .05). The circuit training program has led to an increase in the level of cardiorespiratory form. The average VO2max increased significantly (p < .05) compared to the basic values, with an increase of +6.08%. The circuit training carried out for 8 weeks, lasting 40 minutes with intensity between 50 and 75% of the VO2max, is able to achieve appreciable improvements on cardiorespiratory fitness.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Salierno, M., Ceruso, R., Sannicandro, I., & Altavilla, G. (2021). Circuit training as a method of adaptation and prevention for people with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3proc), S1045-S1054.

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