Types of school students based on the individualized risks of socio-psychological safety of the sports and educational environment


  • Elvira N. Gilemkhanova Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russian Federation




Socio-psychological safety, Socio-psychological vulnerability, Disintegration, Virtual autism, Sports and educational environment


The object of this paper is to define categories of students which differ by efficiency of interaction (adaptation) in "student-the sociocultural environment of school" system on the basis of assessment of the dominating risks of socio-psychological safety. The basis of this study is an Environmental Approach, which allowed us to develop ideas about the inextricable unity of external (contextual) and internal (subject) factors of the educational environment determining the socio-psychological safety of the school. Our central concept in the framework of this approach is the analysis of the efficiency of students’ interaction from a "student-the sociocultural environment of school" system. This concept formed the basis of the author's technique “Adolescence Socio-Cultural Safety Index”. Technique “Adolescence Socio-Cultural Safety Index” possesses the necessary psychometric characteristics that allow the use of the questionnaire to identify the risks of the student’s educational environment. The study involved 3,232 students in secondary education. Results: 5 types of students are revealed on the basis of cluster analysis. Each type is characterized by specifics of interaction within the "student-the sociocultural environment of school" system. Identification of type of the student opens an opportunity for individualization of educational process and realization of timely preventive measures for prevention of socio-psychological disadaptation of students. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the presentation one of the ways to solve the problem of the individualization of the educational process and the prevention of negative social phenomena in schools. Proposed method consists in differentiation of students according to the type of their dominating risk in the field of socio-psychological safety of the educational environment.


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How to Cite

Gilemkhanova, E. N. (2021). Types of school students based on the individualized risks of socio-psychological safety of the sports and educational environment. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3proc), S1188-S1196. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc3.35