Effects of traditional training compared to functional training in metabolic age and visceral fat in 18-30 old subjects


  • Andis Bogdani Sports University of Tirana, Albania
  • Genti Pano Sports University of Tirana, Albania




Functional training, Traditional training, Body composition, Low back pain


Over the last several years, increasing attention has been paid to abdominal adiposity and its association with increased mortality (Janssen I et al., 2004; Pischon T et al., 2008). Evidence for the positive effect of exercise on novel risk factors of the metabolic syndrome such as disturbances in adipokine secretion and low-grade inflammation confirms the importance of exercise in the treatment of the ‘new concept’ metabolic syndrome (You T, Nicklas BJ., 2008). Main objective of this paper was to compare the effects of traditional training and functional training on metabolic age and visceral fat in 18-30 years old subjects. 40 subjects: 20 in traditional training group (12 Males and 6 Females) & 20 in functional training group (12 Males and 6 Females), 18-30 years old were selected to take part in this 14-weeks intervention study. Subject underwent body composition parameters including visceral fat and metabolic age using BIA (Tanita BC 601). Data results pointed out that both training regimens produced a significant reduction (p < .05) in metabolic age and visceral fat but the subjects in the functional training group had better results.


Sports University of Tirana


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Bogdani, A., & Pano, G. (2021). Effects of traditional training compared to functional training in metabolic age and visceral fat in 18-30 old subjects. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3proc), S1402-S1410. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc3.56

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