The influences of restricted compensatory movement on activation pattern of gluteal muscles during unilateral weight-bearing exercise




Biofeedback, Buttocks, Exercise, Posture


We investigated changes in lateral pelvic tilt and activity of the gluteal muscles during one-leg standing with and without pressure biofeedback. Seventeen participants performed one-leg standing tests with pressure biofeedback (the threshold was set to the minimum change in pressure) and without biofeedback (standard one-leg standing). The lateral pelvic tilt was significantly lower in one-leg standing with pressure biofeedback than in standard one-leg standing (p < .05). In addition, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus activity was significantly greater during one-leg standing with pressure biofeedback than during standard one-leg standing (p < .05). Based on our results, restriction of compensatory movement can be used to increase activity of gluteal muscles when performing unilateral weight-bearing exercise such as one-leg standing.


National Research Foundation of Korea


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Kim, S.-Y., & Kang, M.-H. (2021). The influences of restricted compensatory movement on activation pattern of gluteal muscles during unilateral weight-bearing exercise. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3), 618–626.


