Relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance in younger school aged children


  • Lukáš Odráška Trnava University, Slovakia
  • Henrich Krc Comenius University, Slovakia
  • Dajana Dolníková Trnava University, Slovakia



Leisure time, Children, Motor skills


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance in younger school age children. Relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance was assessed using the Spearman correlation coefficient. We assessed the observed relationship for basic motor skill tests (standing broad jump, 10-meter agility shuttle run, sit and reach flexibility test, 30-second sit-up test) and leisure physical activity time. The monitored group consisted of 91 children, 45 boys and 46 girls (age 8.37 ± 1.63). In the monitored tests, we observed a statistically significant relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance. The correlation for monitored tests was: 1. Standing board jump: R = .664. 2. 10-meter agility shuttle run: R = -.695. 3. Sit and reach flexibility test: R = .737. 4. 30-second sit-up test: R = .636. The results of our research point to an existing relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance. It should be noted that this is a low number of probands to formulate general conclusions. However, further scientific verification is required for these claims.


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How to Cite

Odráška, L., Krc, H., & Dolníková, D. (2021). Relationship between leisure physical activity time and basic motor skill performance in younger school aged children. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(4proc), S2069-S2077.