Teaching method to improve eye-hand coordination in volleyball serve


  • Sara Addivinola University of Salerno, Italy
  • Ferdinando Cereda Catholic University of Milan, Italy
  • Sara Aliberti University of Salerno, Italy




Volleyball serve, Mixed approach, Cooperation, Learning, Relationship


Problem statement. One of the many problems that learning to serve in volleyball may require is an ineffective eye-hand coordination. In the school environment, two approaches are used to train this fundamental: cognitive and dynamic ecological. The objective of the study is to verify if a mixed approach is used, high school students will be able to improve the expectation of the service more than the other two types of approaches most used in schools. Methods. The sample is made up of 45 3rd high school students (average age of 16 years ± 2.99). All students will be divided into three groups of 15 students each: the experimental group will train with a mixed approach; the control group 1 will perform a program based on the ecological-dynamic approach and the control group 2 will train following the logic of the cognitive approach. All the groups performed a manual eye coordination test and a one-way anova was performed to verify the improvements between groups and subsequently the Post Hoc Bonferroni. Results. The result is statistically significant (p < .05). All the groups had an improvement in coordination but, from the post hoc, it is noted that the experimental group had clearly superior improvements to the other two groups. Conclusion. The mixed group proved to be an effective method to improve manual eye coordination in the volleyball serve as the relationship and fun were placed at the centre, which, combined with the practice of the gesture, made the students more motivated to learn.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Addivinola, S., Cereda, F., & Aliberti, S. (2021). Teaching method to improve eye-hand coordination in volleyball serve. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(4proc), S1713-S1722. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc4.18

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