An exploration of the institutional environment of the National Olympic Academies by following a mixed method approach


  • Paraskevi Salepi University of Peloponnese, Greece
  • Konstantinos Georgiadis University of Peloponnese, Greece
  • Antonios Travlos University of Peloponnese, Greece
  • Athanasios Kriemadis University of Peloponnese, Greece



Olympism, Governance, Education, Strategy, Committee, National


Within the present framework of the Olympic Charter (2019) the International Olympic Committee (IOC) supports educational issues through the International Olympic Academy (IOA), the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), and the National Olympic Academies (NOAs). However, there are a number of de facto variations in the arrangements adopted in different national settings. To that end this study seeks to identify the organisations within the institutional environment of the NOAs and how these determine the strategy and the decisions made by NOAs. How does the environment affect the effective operation of the IOA, and of the NOAs in the Olympic academy system? In order to address this question, an archival research along with a set of exploratory semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 key stakeholders from the IOC (4), IOA (2), NOAs (8), Academics (5). The archival research along with thematic analysis of the interview data, provided themes to be incorporated into a questionnaire conducted with NOA officials (response rate 67.8% - 99 of the 146 registered NOAs) focusing on the strategic and organizational factors involved in their functioning. The paper highlights future amendments and changes and a number of ways in which the IOC and the IΟΑ can respond to NOA’s needs and expectations.


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How to Cite

Salepi, P., Georgiadis, K., Travlos, A., & Kriemadis, A. (2022). An exploration of the institutional environment of the National Olympic Academies by following a mixed method approach. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 17(2), 327–340.



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