Study of postural misalignments between sex, school cycle and physical activity




Postural behaviour, Misalignments, Adolescents, Youngsters


This study aimed to characterize and compare postural behaviour between gender, school cycles and PA levels in 213 students, aged between 10 and 20 years, from Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa Maria. Postural assessment was made through visual scan analysis in a symmetrograph and the Adams test. PA level assessment was made using the IPAQ. Postural behaviour presented high percentages of imbalances in both sexes, with the highest prevalence in the head lateral flexion, shoulders level asymmetry, scoliosis, gibbosity, forward head and protracted shoulders. Lumbar scoliosis was significantly related to pelvic asymmetry (p < .001), protracted shoulders were related to forward head (p = .010) and dorsal hyperkyphosis (p = .048) and lumbar hyperlordosis was more prevalent in subjects with pelvic anteversion (p < .001). Dorsal hyperkyphosis manifested in males with a markedly higher prevalence than females (p = .006). Postural imbalances were present at all ages, with pelvic anteversion decrease (p = .028) with school cycles progression. Our sample proved to be physically active with 73.9% categorized with high and moderate levels of PA. Higher PA levels where related to forward head lower percentages (p = .006). It should be highlighted the importance of postural assessment school students.


Pedro Forte, Douro Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of the Douro, Eduarda Coelho, Department of Sports Sciences, Health and Exercise, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro


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How to Cite

Gouveia, J. P., Forte, P., & Coelho, E. (2022). Study of postural misalignments between sex, school cycle and physical activity. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 17(2), 424–434.



Physical Education / Children & Exercise

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