Teaching and learning social values: experience of resolution of conflicts in the classroom of physical education across the learning of social skills


  • Mar Cepero University of Granada, Spain
  • Mª Nieves Marín Regalado Primary School Andres de Ribera, Spain
  • Juan Torres Guerrero University of Granada, Spain




Learning, Education, Social skills, Values, Attitudes, Auto esteem, Friendship


The main aim of this study has been the application of a sport and social program intervention to solve the daily problems of conviviality in the classroom of physical education, based on the teaching and learning of social values, attitudes and social skills. 24 children between 9-12 years of Guadix (Granada) have taken part in this study, learning social values that allow them to improve the social relations with their mates. In the data collection of information, three instruments were used; an initial and final sociogram (pre-post) was carried out with the objective of know the social relations of the group; two group interviews, in which the students talked about their learning process and the diary of the teacher, in which the teacher analyzed the program and the advance of the students. The results of three used instruments were compared, the analysis of data shows that there had been considerable changes in the attitude of the students, therefore the personal conflicts that were frequent to the beginning of the research, were diminishing in a gradual way along the experience. The students and the teacher showed their satisfaction for the improvement of their social skills and relationships through the sport motor learning.


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How to Cite

Cepero, M., Marín Regalado, M. N., & Torres Guerrero, J. (2010). Teaching and learning social values: experience of resolution of conflicts in the classroom of physical education across the learning of social skills. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 5(3), 497–506. https://doi.org/10.4100/jhse.2010.53.20



Physical Education / Children & Exercise

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