The influence of healthy habits acquired by school-age adolescents in relation to physical education classes
Physical education, Healthy habits, Food, Hygiene, Posture, Middle schoolAbstract
The main aim of this research is to know the habits of our students due to our concern to educate students about the importance of caring for and improving their health. Students of the First Cycle of ESO of the Centres of the Cordoba regions of the south of the province have fulfilled a survey about their daily habits related to health; In addition, to know the thoughts, beliefs and knowledge of the Physical Education teachers of these students through the conduct of a Discussion Group, in order to learn more about this perspective in relation to Physical Education and Education for Health. Among other data from the analysis and taking into account the food pyramid for these ages, it can be deduced that the students eat few vegetables and that a percentage close to 25% of the students consumes sweets 3-4 days a week. It is noteworthy that 59.3% of boys and 24.1% of girls regularly do physical activity, apart from the Physical Education class. Regarding the teaching sector, teachers thinks that students are aware of what is advisable to take and what is not; since in schools the diet is changing towards healthier habits, however, the students sometimes eat food that is not conducive to them and they do not even eat. As for hygiene habits, the teachers say that they are consolidated, but the same does not happen with postural habits that they consider not to have correct habits.
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