The effect of increasing loading on powerlifting movement form during the squat and deadlift


  • Kirsten Spencer Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
  • Mathew Croiss Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand



Inclusions, Injury, Training, lumbar, Weightlifting


Strength based sports, such as powerlifting, are characterized by distinct movements where competitors endeavor to move the maximum weight possible. Powerlifting is characterized by three distinct movements: the squat, the deadlift, and the bench press. The resulting total of all lifting event is used as a measure of overall lifting performance and strength (Garhammer, 1993). For each of the core powerlifting movements, there are several rules pertaining to movement form that an athlete must adhere to in order to obtain a successful lift. The basis of which is to standardize difficulty between competitors, such as the squat reaching adequate depth, or the deadlift reaching adequate height. The study compares the effect of increasing loads on technical form during the squat and deadlift among different standards of competitor.




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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Spencer, K., & Croiss, M. (2015). The effect of increasing loading on powerlifting movement form during the squat and deadlift. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 10(3), 764–774.



Performance Analysis of Sport