Postural evaluation in young skaters: Effect of two proprioceptive training


  • Cristiana Lucchetti University of Urbino, Italy
  • Vincenzo Biancalana University of Urbino, Italy
  • Massimo Rossato Postural Equip Academy, Italy



Proprioceptive training, Postural evaluation, Young skaters


The roller skating involves developing of motor and artistic skills from an early age. The aim was to evaluate the effects that an ocular a podalic proprioceptive training cause to postural control and stability in a sample of young skaters. A total of 25 skaters aged between 9 and 15 (12±2.14) divided into two groups: the eyes group (EG) aimed at exercising visual proprioception, the feet group (FG) aimed at exercising podalic proprioception. The participants were subject to through electronic stabilometry in static mode, open (OE) and closed (CE) eyes, in a time T0 (pre-training) and T1 (post-training), without and with skates. The results through the two paired t-test showed that both variables Wz (TotHz) to CE within the EG (p<.05) and Wx (TotHz) to CE within the FG (p<.05) were statistical significance. The unpaired t-test showed that the FG obtained a greater statistical significance than the EG for the VarVit and Wx (TotHz) variables in CE (p<.05) and Wz (TotHz) in both CE and OE (p<.05). The two-way ANOVA found statistical significance (p<.05) on the Wx (TotHz) variable in open/closed eyes of the FG (T0/T1). We concluded that in roller skating it could be useful to integrate athletic training with a visual proprioceptive training.


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How to Cite

Lucchetti, C., Biancalana, V., & Rossato, M. (2019). Postural evaluation in young skaters: Effect of two proprioceptive training. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1proc), S105-S114.