Judo as a tool for social integration in adolescents at risk of social exclusion: A pilot study


  • Vicente Carratalá University of Valencia, Spain
  • Adrià Marco-Ahulló Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, Spain
  • Ignacio Carratalá University of Valencia, Spain
  • Helio Carratalá University of Valencia, Spain
  • Jose-Luis Bermejo University of Valencia, Spain




Martial arts, Social cohesion, Social exclusion, Sports, Socialization


Purpose: Social policies of the advanced countries have begun to incorporate sport to speak on manifestations of social exclusion, as tool to reach out to young people, strengthen their identity or enhance self-esteem vulnerable groups. Judo can be a good tool for the fulfilment of this purpose because has a philosophy and educational practice that contains much of the core competencies of the educational system. The aim of this study is to analyse the incidence of judo practice in changing attitudes, values, norms and capabilities across organizational forms as a means of enhancing socialization in their interventions with young people at risk of social exclusion. Material/Methods: We used a qualitative research methodology, linked to interpretive or comprehensive paradigm with various methods of data collection: interviews (open o semi-structured), participant observation and literature review. The sample consists of 15 adolescents, 4 girls and 11 boys, of whom have been intervened in six cases. Results: The most significant findings have been is in the area of collaboration and cooperation. The dimension with the greatest improvement was related to cognitive aspects. It is observed a total acceptance in the sports rule, which will help to improve the acceptance of social norms. Conclusions: The results show that judo can be a reinforcement on different personal aspects of these young people and to serve as a tool of socialization.


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How to Cite

Carratalá, V., Marco-Ahulló, A., Carratalá, I., Carratalá, H., & Bermejo, J.-L. (2020). Judo as a tool for social integration in adolescents at risk of social exclusion: A pilot study. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 202–216. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2020.151.18




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