The use of the APCM-2 protocol for a preventive assessment of the motor coordination disorder


  • Rosanna Perrone University of Salerno, Italy
  • Lucia Pallonetto University of Salerno, Italy
  • Carmen Palumbo



Dyspraxia, APCM-2 protocol, Diagnostic prevention


The development of motor skills that occurs gradually in a child's body and culminates around 8-9 years, if it occurs correctly, is the element that allows him to explore and take measures to interact with the surrounding reality. (Le Boulche, 1988) Only at this age we can speak of the "ability of space-time coordination", which takes shape and materializes only through the experience of consecutive motor acts with which they represent themselves, programmed in a time scan. (Piaget, 1976) These motor experiences are fundamental, because if the child has difficulty to complete the temporal scan, it would mean that he is the bearer of a movement disorder, albeit minor, called dyspraxia which without the appropriate tools, allowed by the following test could not be diagnosed. (Gargano, 2013) It was conducted A field research through the APCM-2 protocol (Sabbadini, 2018) on a sample of 281 children. Through it, we isolated 34 subjects with specific areas that were found to be deficient, therefore more compromised by suspected dyspraxia. The most important data that emerged was that the dyspractic disorder can be overcome only if identified with a timely evaluation that allows a rehabilitation program applied as quickly as possible. (Risoli, 2016) This is important because this disorder, even if defined as "minor", in the most severe cases is influential on school performance and can sometimes lead to the boy who is affected some difficulties in simple daily motor actions.


Department of Human Sciences, Philosophy and Education of the University of Salerno


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Perrone, R., Pallonetto, L., & Palumbo, C. (2020). The use of the APCM-2 protocol for a preventive assessment of the motor coordination disorder. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2proc), S232-S243.