Field survey for observation of motor development in childhood age using the MOVIT tool


  • Lucia Pallonetto University of Salerno, Italy
  • Rosanna Perrone University of Salerno, Italy
  • Carmen Palumbo University of Salerno, Italy


Corporeity, MOVIT, Motor development, Recreational activity


The study aims to highlight the role of corporeity in the development of the child by focusing on the dimension of movement considered as the origin of cognitive and learning processes (Sibilio M., 2008). In addition, we want to support the function that the body itself can play as a mediator of knowledge for the design of educational paths, focused on recreational-motor activities always to enhance the potential of the body and motor experience (Palumbo C., 2018). Field research involved a sample of 84 children, to whom Movit Trials (Cottini L., 2003) were given in a playful form, both in-and-out. The latter constitute a psychomotor evaluation tool that provides an objective assessment of the current and potential abilities, deficits and development of the child observed in his environment and in free interaction with his companions. Games and activities of free or guided movement can, therefore, be an opportunity for «health education» and movement, helping the child to build his own identity, «to the satisfaction of the control of gestures, in coordination with others» (D.M. 2012). The survey allowed to evaluate any delays in typical motor development, defining the criticality and potential of the specific ages of the subjects.


University of Salerno


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Pallonetto, L., Perrone, R., & Palumbo, C. (2021). Field survey for observation of motor development in childhood age using the MOVIT tool. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(2proc), S565-S573. Retrieved from