Teachers and burnout: Biodanza SRT as embodiment training in the development of emotional skills and soft skills


  • Roberta Rosa IUL Telematic University, Italy
  • Giuseppe Madonna University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy


Teachers, Burnout, Soft skills


The exposure to high stress conditions has led to an increasing prevalence of Burnout among teachers; this is due to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Soft Skills play an important role in working performance, representing the set of emotional skills capable of promoting personal well-being. Giving priority to emotional support enables the development of protective factors and positive skills to counteract work-related stress and the onset of Burnout. Biodanza SRT is a body-mediated system that, through an Embodiment Training, promotes the development of personal empowerment by strengthening emotional skills, Soft Skills and the acquisition of Best Practices making individuals able, capable and competent in the personal management of tools and strategies to improve their emotional, affective, relational, social and professional life.



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How to Cite

Rosa, R., & Madonna, G. (2020). Teachers and burnout: Biodanza SRT as embodiment training in the development of emotional skills and soft skills. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(3proc), S575-S585. Retrieved from https://www.jhse.ua.es/article/view/2020-v15-n3-proc-teachers-burnout-biodanza-srt-emotional-skills-