Movement, green exercise and playgrounds in developmental age, for a correct lifestyle


  • Manuela Valentini University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
  • Alessia Morosetti University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy



Nature, Physical activity, Motor development, Psycho-Social well-being, Physical well-being


The goal of this research is to demonstrate how physical activity in nature in children of developmental age can have benefits on a physical, mental and social level, especially if carried out outdoors. From the analysis of English articles published between 2000 and 2019, 7 publications met the inclusion criteria so they were selected to carry out the following systematic review. Results showed that exposure in nature stimulates higher levels of physical activity compared to indoor exposure environments, with a consequent improvement in basic motor skills. The positive effects were also found in the social sphere with an improvement in functional, constructive and symbolic activities. A correlation was found between neuropsychological abilities that occur in adulthood and the psychomotor stages acquired up to adolescence, because neuronal systems collaborate with cognitive systems: the interaction with the environment acts as a detonator for visual perception, motivation, cognition. This could be of further potential in people with disabilities and psychosocial problems. Also noteworthy are the mental benefits such as increased self-esteem, better mood, self-concept, problem solving skills, increased attention and learning skills as well as stress reduction.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Valentini, M., & Morosetti, A. (2021). Movement, green exercise and playgrounds in developmental age, for a correct lifestyle. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(4proc), S1578-S1586.

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