Predictor variables of motivation on Spanish master athletes
Adults, Training, Performance, MotivationAbstract
It is known in the last fifteen years that there is an increase of people in Spain over 35 years old significantly who are often training and competing at several levels in athletics. They are master athletes. There are not National studies about master athletes from Spain and not many are worldwide. Therefore, the objectives of the present research are, firstly, to know their training habits, athletic history and motivations analyzing gender differences; secondly, to set predictive models of their motivations according to their training habits and athletic history. Once results have been analyzed, it was concluded that for Spanish master athletes, both men and women, both training and competition are an important part in their lives. These results could be due to they are practising during a large number of years their specialty on athletics, two hours each session during approximately five days per week, also they are often competing at several levels. Because of the fact that they have a high intrinsic motivation and moderate extrinsic motivation, the most important for them related to their sport was the satisfaction they find improving themselves on training, secondarily, beating rivals at competitions, looking for a medal and, even better, timing a record. These situations fill them with competence feeling and success expectancy.Downloads
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