Physical education in secondary higher school


  • Ilaria Viscione University of Salerno, Italy
  • Pietro Luigi Invernizzi University of Milan, Italy
  • Gaetano Raiola University of Salerno, Italy



Teaching games for understanding, Cognitive approach, Ecological approach, Teaching methods of physical education


Teaching of motor activities in secondary higher school imposes a prescriptive teaching through unidirectional methodological-didactic decisions: teacher directs and the student performs. Improving performance through skills improvement and the structuring of new skills through exercise requires the adoption of a less prescriptive methodology and allowing the student to express himself with greater freedom and awareness to facilitate heuristic learning according to the motor principle by Bernstein of executive variability. Physical education doesn’t have the scientific basis in knowledge as for other theoretical knowledge because the scientific paradigm of corporeality and movement is based on doing and acting. In agreement with the scientific pedagogical community, we ask ourselves about the most appropriate methodology to educate the body with the movement in a habilitative sense, the person through the body for a training of the person (life skills) and strive for the person's well-being through movement (soft skills). This vision seems to be tempered in the documents of physical education up to the first-grade secondary school and seems to change in secondary higher school, when a higher level of education is required. Alongside this prescription, reasonably useful for raising the levels of motor ability of individual services the problem of individual performance in groups arises to achieve the common goal (sports game), where along with significant skill levels, the best and fastest possible decision is also needed. For this necessity, the methodology of the "Teaching games for understanding" comes to the rescue, which contemplates the tactical part together with the enabling one.


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How to Cite

Viscione, I., Invernizzi, P. L., & Raiola, G. (2019). Physical education in secondary higher school. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(4proc), S706-S712.

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