Survey on exercise and sport sciences in Italy




Professors M-EDF/01 and M-EDF/02, Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees


In Italy, motor and sports sciences have been in the academy since 2000 following the reform of the higher institutes of physical education, ISEF. Subsequently, with the implementation of the Bologna process in 2011, the first three-year degree courses and the first professors divided into motor sciences and sports sciences were born. After almost twenty years of development they are within the academy like other scientific knowledge. The study focuses on the numerical consistency of degree courses and professors and the evolutionary trends between them to observe the variations. To aim the correlations between the different categories of variables: three-year and master’s degree courses, professors and professors of physical education and sports sciences. The method is the archive search of official data in the ministerial database and the statistical analysis of them. The results show a significant correlation between the variables examined in relation to time, demonstration of a progressive development; moreover the correlations between all the examined variables are significant, further demonstration of a gradual development. It would be further useful to know the trends in the number of students and the trends of the degree courses and professors to check if there are significant correlations between them also for these trends.


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D‘Elia, F. (2019). The training of physical education teacher in primary school. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(1proc), S100-S104.

D'Isanto, T. (2019) Physical and sport education between Italian academic system and European Research Council structure panel, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14, pp. S66-S76.

Sanseviero, I., Cassese, F.P., Fonzo, E., Altavilla, G., D'elia, F. (2019a) Study on the master's degree in sciences of sports evaluation and sport for disabled at the University of Salerno, Italy, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14 (Proc2), pp. S239-S244.


Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Raiola, G. (2019). Survey on exercise and sport sciences in Italy. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(4proc), S1163-S1168.

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