School and sport: The high-level student-athletes in Italy


  • Francesca D'Elia University of Salerno, Italy


Sport, School dropout, School organization


The Italian Ministry of Education since 2015 launched a trial "School and sport" addressed to high-level student-athletes that attend high school. The aim of this trial is to contrast not only the dropping out of the school but also one of the sports of the high-level student-athletes. The project proposes training activities aimed at teachers who teach students-athletes and that take into account the psychological aspects that these students face on daily. From the available data, the project had a good feedback in terms of participation and diffusion. The present study is aimed to search a hypothesis to give a solution how it is possible to combine study and high-level performance, in addition to study in deep the high-level student-athletes status and diffusion. The project should significantly reduce the criticalities in the school education of these students by supporting schools in planning effective actions that promote the right to study and educational success of students who practice high-level competitive sport.


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Viscione I., Romano E. (2019b). Elements and methods of organization, design and management of extracurricular sports activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol.19 (Supplement issue 5), 1767 – 1772.

DPR 8 march 1999, n. 275 “Regulation cointaining rules on school’s authonomy pursuant to art. 21 Law 15 March 1997, n. 59”.

Law 13 July 2015, n. 107 “Reform of the national education and training system and mandate for the reorganization of the current legislative regulations".

Ministerial Decree 10 April 2018 n. 279 “High level student-athletes project – school years 2018/2019-2022/2023”.

Ministerial Decree 11 December 2015 n. 935 “Teaching pilot project for high level student-athletes”.

MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education (2009). Linee guida per le attività di educazione fisica, motoria e sportiva nelle scuole di primo e secondo grado. – Indirizzi operativi. Miur – 16 ottobre 2009, prot. 5163.

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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

D’Elia, F. (2019). School and sport: The high-level student-athletes in Italy. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S2031-S2036. Retrieved from

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