From the legacy to the heritage of the 1984 Olympic Games: LA84 Foundation pathways




Sponsorship, Triple Helix, Sport mega-events, Sport management


This study aims to analyse the management of the LA 84 Foundation, from the perspective of the 1984 OG heritage in order to confirm in practice Chappelet's (2015) theoretical proposal and the triple Helix perspective. To this end, the following goals: (1) detect which entities are present in the current management of the LA84 Foundation; (2) verify how LA84 manages, and funds or establishes partnerships in order to preserve its heritage and the interrelationships between the three agents of HT (private companies, universities, and government). Respondents were from sectors, namely VP of Programs and Scholarships, VP of Operations and Finance, VP of Development and Partnerships and the Consultant - former CEO of the Foundation, addressed in two categories: (a) Entities present in the management and activities performed and (b) Financial management and Fundraising and partnerships. Results. the Foundation's focus on three HT actors Universities, Companies and the Government. Entities interact to complement their roles and responsibilities in order to keep the foundation financially self-sustaining. Conclusions: (i) the Triple Helix model presents itself as a resource for the development of sustainability strategies in the management projects of the LA84 Foundation aiming at the continuity in the preservation of legacies since it has in its management the involvement of (ii) the model of having a non-profit entity - a foundation in this case - to bring together diverse entities in management and purposes is a positive strategy for the proper management of legacies and futures heritages from the organization of mega sports events.


Rio de Janeiro State Research Support Foundation - FAPERJ


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Pena, B. G., DaCosta, L. P., Araujo, C. R., & da Silva, C. F. (2020). From the legacy to the heritage of the 1984 Olympic Games: LA84 Foundation pathways. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 871–882.



Olympic Section