eMuseum of sports: Digital and televised media impact stemming from the virtual galleries and exhibitions





eMuseum, Sports, Technology


Museums are important instruments for preserving a group’s cultural memory and are responsible for its material or immaterial heritage. Furthermore, they participate in the tourism economy and in productive projects that contribute to the quality of life in the communities and regions in which they are located. Thus, in a period marked by the Coronavirus pandemic, with lockdowns going on in various parts of the world, online platforms for cultural consumption have been highlighted as a manner of guaranteeing entertainment and cultural access to the whole population. Thus, the present study aims to present the media impact results for the eMuseum of Sports in Brazilian digital and televised media. To fulfil this goal, the documental analysis technique was used to conduct a survey of the Sports eMuseum’s impact through digital data. The internet data was obtained from the social networks Facebook and Instagram and the eMuseum’s website, where all of its exhibits are concentrated. These digital communication media possess data analysis metrics that show how a certain post was followed by the public that uses these networks. Between April and October of 2020, the eMuseum of Sports launched 8 3D exhibits and 8 3D Galleries. On observing the gallery and exhibit contents in numbers, there are 184 collections (images or videos) in the exhibits and 560 in the galleries. At the end of this period, the total reach on the eMuseum’s social networks arrived at the expressive number of almost 4 million and 300 thousand people impacted by the content that was created and organized by the eMuseum. The conclusion is that the eMuseum of Sports had a significant media coverage and allowed content to be accessed, strengthening the democratization of various sports content at a moment when other forms of in-person visitation would not be possible.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Pena, B. G., Telles, S. de C., Elias, R. V., Machado, R., DaCosta, L. P., de Carvalho, M. B., & Turini, M. (2021). eMuseum of sports: Digital and televised media impact stemming from the virtual galleries and exhibitions. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(1proc), S84-S91. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc1.08