ICT in investigative training for students of physical culture in time of COVID-19



Didactic strategy, Search tools, Higher education


In the era of ICT, training for research in higher education is one of the links for the success of future professional results of Physical Culture, however, there are currently limitations. The purpose of evaluating the validity of the didactic strategy aimed at guiding the actions for the preparation, execution and evaluation of the investigative training in the student of the Physical culture career in times of contingency (COVID-19). The methodology used is the document review (use of typical search tools on the Web), the systemic - structural - functional method and the "expert criteria" method. 15 (5% error) specialists were selected from the self-evaluation test. A level of concordance was reached, with the use of the Kendall test, of very adequate for the practical application of the strategy.


DICIHT/ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras/ Santiago Ruiz


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Ramírez, L. de la C., Laínez-Bonilla, A., Laínez-Bonilla, J. E., & Martínez-Saravia, N. D. (2020). ICT in investigative training for students of physical culture in time of COVID-19. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc), S1488-S1499. Retrieved from https://www.jhse.ua.es/article/view/2020-v15-n4-proc-ict-investigative-training-students-physical-cu