School, sport and fair play


  • Salvatore Pignato University of Enna Kore, Italy
  • Vittoria Patania University of Enna Kore, Italy
  • Francesco Casolo Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Italy
  • Manuela Valentini University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy


School, Sport, Fair play, Sportspersonship, Education, Ethics


The intervention develops the concept of fair play and the educational potential of sport as an observation point of social change taking place, through a re-reading of the sociological and pedagogical analysis of the notion of sport. The contribution focuses on the ethical dimension of dialectic between the cultural value of sport, competition and the morality of the human limit, in light of the main international documents that addressed the relationship between sport and ethics. Characteristic of youth sport is to overcome this limit in accordance with the universal principles of truth and loyalty, oriented to sportspersonship, based on the promotion of the person, indispensable to the comparison with themselves and with others, supported through the promotion of contexts inclusive educational education. Sport, after the family, is a formidable educational context of relationship, where children can learn and consolidate correct and pro-social behaviours. Resuming reading the latest National Indications of MIUR and Skills Development Achievements, The study highlights the thematic cores of gaming, sports, rules and fair play, which are the basis of the educational model of physical education in primary school, clarifies how youth sport, if practiced well, can affect the overall formation of the person and can reconnect the virtuous circuit between the collective interests of the community and those of individuals.


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How to Cite

Pignato, S., Patania, V., Casolo, F., & Valentini, M. (2020). School, sport and fair play. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc), S1169-S1177. Retrieved from

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